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Alternative Sports & Media Arts Programming

Go! Sports USA

Kids are our Future


Go Sports is a licensed DOE vendor with nearly a decade of experience working within the NYC school system. We have served tens of thousands of students with our skate & roller sports programs citywide.


Our Mission

We have a purpose, and it starts with our kids. Our goal is to give them all the tools necessary to be the best versions of themselves.

Our Experience

We’re integrated into DOE school day curriculums, after school programs in public and private schools, as well as summer programming citywide.


Alternative Sports Programming

As a licensed NYC DOE vendor we at Go Sports NYC aim to nourish and invigorate the youth through our fundamental Action Sports Programs.

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 “The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.” Diogenes


Media Arts Programming

We believe that every child has the potential to be someone truly special. And one of our most impactful ways of showing children the path to who they are is through our media arts programming, giving them a sharp and informed eye to look through the windows of their world.


“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One is roots; the other, wings.” - Hodding Carter



We work with various city agencies such as: the DOT, NYC Parks Department, and the Department of Education, as well as numerous community based organizations to bring programming and events to life.

We partner, produce, and operate within large scale event & activations such as NYC Summer Streets - which attracts over 300,000 participants annually. As well as local events such as: NYC Street Games, and Car Free NYC.

Interested in a program for your school, community, or family? Reach out and let’s get you rolling!

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